Вірус Reannewscomm.Com: що це таке і як його видалити

Якщо ви переглядаєте веб-сторінки, і ваш браузер постійно перенаправляється на сайт, який вам не потрібен, постійно переповнений рекламними роликами або спливаючими рекламними оголошеннями або поводиться дивно, можливо, ваш комп'ютер заражений комп'ютером Reannewscomm.com вірус.

Reannewscomm.com являє собою тип шкідливого ПЗ, яке зачіпає всі типи веб-браузерів, включаючи, крім іншого, Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox і Safari. Це може навіть вплинути на ваш браузер смартфона теж.

Що таке вірус Reannewscomm.com?

Вірус Reannewscomm.com насправді викрадач браузера, який був встановлений у вашій системі в якийсь момент без вашого відома. Мета цього небажаного програмного забезпечення - підштовхнути вас до нелегітимних рекламодавців будь-яким можливим способом, тому він буде виконувати такі дії, як перенаправлення на сайти, які ви ніколи не запитували, вставляти рекламу на сайти, які ви зазвичай використовуєте, і навіть перенаправляти браузер для відображення небажаної реклами. це часто не можна зупинити за допомогою спливаючих вікон.

Всі ці оголошення можуть здатися нешкідливими, але «рекламодавці» є лише прикриттям для отримання важливої інформації про вас, яка потім може бути використана для крадіжки вашої особи і, переважно, вашої фінансової інформації.

Як працює вірус Reannewscomm.com?

This malware works by altering settings in your web browser which allow it to add a small program to the browser. It then tries different tactics to trick you into entering sensitive information in order to allegedly purchase something. This program forces your browser to go to unwanted web pages, and floods you with pop-ups and commercials everywhere you go online.

Reannewscomm.com can use tactics that include using a keylogger to capture information you type into your browser while you use legitimate sites and a relentless display of commercials and/or pop-up ads that you can’t escape.

If you click on a redirected ad, it can track your online activity, look at the type of software and hardware your computer has installed, and even infect your computer with ransomware, Trojans, and other malicious software.

How Do I Know I Have The Reannewscomm.com Browser Hijacker?

Reannewscomm.com is pretty easy to spot most of the time since it inundates you with video commercials, pop-up ads, banners and other sales-related spots while you browse the web. You might notice that your usually reliable ad-blocker doesn’t seem to work anymore. You might also experience significant slowing as you surf the web and even notice continuing browser crashes if too many ads or browser windows open at the same time.

Your antivirus program also might frequently show a pop up message that a ‘Threat was blocked’ as well. If that happens, you could see the phrase ‘reannewscomm.com’ in the warning message.

It’s important that you remove this threat as soon as you realize you have it so it doesn’t continue to steal your personal information as you browse the internet.

How to Scan Your Computer For Malware

How Did I Get The Reannewscomm.com Virus?

Browser hijackers like Reannewscomm.com often come attached to free or pirated programs that you’ve willingly downloaded. Hackers who create this type of unwanted software usually bundle it with legitimate programs available from bulk free software download websites. It can hide among a number of installation notifications asking you to approve extra pieces of software.

It’s likely that you quickly clicked OK or a similar button to move the installation along and didn’t carefully check every software notification to confirm whether or not it was truly safe to download. It’s also possible that the software you downloaded simply never notified you of the extra programs it included.

Reannewscomm.com also could have come from add-on software, which is also referred to as browser extensions. These can be obtained from legitimate stores like the Chrome Web Store. Although legitimate browser stores attempt to block this kind of malware, it can occasionally slip through.

If you pay close attention when you install free or pirated software, you can sometimes deselect the program from the software it’s bundled with. This is usually an option when you choose a Custom or Advanced installation method; the program is preselected for inclusion and you can often spot it there and simply uncheck the option to include it during installation.

How Do I Get Rid Of This Virus?

The most effective way to get rid of any sneaky software on your computer is to use a strong antivirus software program that can tackle a wide variety of problems, including malware like the Reannewscomm.com virus. This can take several hours to do but these programs offer the most comprehensive ways to remove malicious files. Other options include the following:

  1. If you have a browser hijacker, remove suspicious add-ons and extensions from your browser. The process varies a little for removing extensions from Safari and disabling extensions in Chrome. And in Chrome, you also have the option to use the Chrome Cleanup Tool.
  2. You can clear your device of adware and spyware on your own. In some cases, you may have a persistent malware infection that causes the virus to keep coming back repeatedly. To deal with that, you can try removing the virus without using an antivirus application, but in most cases, both antivirus and anti-malware will be needed to remove these types of infections.

If the problem is on a mobile device, you may need to try different techniques to remove the virus from Android or from iOS.

  1. If none of those steps solve the problem, you can use System Restore to return to an earlier point on your computer before you picked up the Reannewscomm.com virus. Be sure to pick a time period where you know you definitely didn’t already have the virus on your computer.

How Can I Avoid Getting This Virus Again?

There are a few key ways in which you can lower your chances of being re-infected with Reannewscomm.com (or any other malicious program).

  • Keep your antivirus software and malware protection updated. New virus definitions are released regularly and these keep your PC informed on what to look for with new virus and malware-based threats.
  • Block PUPs. In your antivirus software, turn on the option to detect Potentially Unwanted Programs (PUPs). This will help you catch software that’s trying to sneak past you when you download otherwise legitimate programs.
  • Be careful when you download new programs. Always know the legitimacy of the source of the programs and apps you download. Disreputable sites bundle in add-ons that you don’t need and that’s where malware such as Reannewscomm.com can lurk.
  • Stick to well known websites. Reannewscomm.com and other malware can sometimes infect your computer through the suspicious websites you might accidentally enter. Clicking on the ‘wrong’ link can lead to you downloading a program you never wanted. Be wary of websites such as torrenting sites.
  • Don’t click on banner ads. When a pop-up banner appears as you browse a website, resist the urge to click on it. If a site inundates you with pop-up advertisements, leave the site immediately.