Описание первичных факторов теста Кеттелла

Описание первичных факторов теста Кеттелла

1. Фактор А: «замкнутость–общительность»

Sternberg's theory of intelligence (GDP)

Sternberg's theory of intelligence (GDP)

In contrast to Anderson's theory, Sternberg's triarchic theory considers individual experience and context, as well as the basic mechanisms of information processing. Sternberg's theory includes three parts, or sub-theories: the component theory, which considers thought processes; the experiential sub-theory, which considers the influence of individual experience on intelligence; and the contextual sub-theory, which considers environmental and cultural influences (Sternberg, 1988). The most developed of them is the component sub-theory.

Theories of intelligence - results (GDP)

Theories of intelligence - results (GDP)

The four theories of intelligence discussed in this section differ in several ways.

How does a child's successful development begin?

How does a child's successful development begin?

I think that you, psychologists, parents, teachers, have heard that every person is a priori capable by nature. But why do some really show their talent, and others their ordinariness?