Understanding your own feelings

Understanding your own feelings is the ability to be aware of your feelings, verbalize them and respond to them competently.

Understanding your own feelings is not always an easy task. Feelings don't lie about one thing - if you feel them, then you have feelings. But what exactly, you still need to figure out. And learn to understand your own feelings.

Is it always possible to trust your living feelings

If you have looked into your soul and feel a feeling in yourself, then it's true, you have a feeling. Feelings don't lie. However, caution is needed here - you can't always be sure what kind of feeling you have. What is sometimes experienced by a person as a certain feeling, it may not be, it may be something else. In this particular point - feelings, sometimes, lie.

In gestalt therapy, feelings are treated not only carefully, but also with suspicious caution, and that is why many ""so-called feelings"" for a gestalt therapist are only labels and interpretations of something more real happening in the body. It is customary to formulate it like this: ""When I think about you, my breathing is blocked in my chest, there is a heaviness between my shoulder blades, I clench my fists, and the idea appears to avoid meeting you. And I also want to feel sorry for you. I interpret it as a feeling of guilt."

So that people don't get confused in feelings, so that people don't mistake one feeling for another and come up with feelings less where they don't really exist, composing racketeering feelings, many psychologists offer a dictionary of real feelings and a method for recognizing them.

How to develop children's understanding of their feelings

Currently, many games and exercises have been developed to help children better understand their feelings. It is only important to understand that all these games not only develop the emotional and sensory sphere of the child, but also actively form it in one direction or another. Make sure that there are no distortions: you should not focus on the development of negativity, in addition, make sure that the child learns not only to feel, but also to think.

The attributive theory of emotions by Schechter and Singer

People feel their states very vaguely and call (understand) their emotions rather from general (situational, ideological or completely arbitrary) considerations.

If the most plausible source of our excitement is a cheap comedy with a bruising that we are currently watching, we feel cheerful or happy and laugh. If the most acceptable explanation for our excitement is a snarling Doberman pinscher running straight at us or an insulting remark about our ancestors, we feel scared or angry accordingly, in accordance with which we act.